1. Each player starts the game with $100.
2. The game is player in a series of rounds. At the start of each round, each player contributes $10 to a central pool.
3. The Bank matches these resources dollar for dollar, placing an amount equal to the total contributed in the central pool.
4. Players may then bid for the central pool. Any player may big any amount, however large or small, but must place the amount of each big in front of her or him on the table. To raise a previous bid one must place the additional cash, corresponding to the increased bid, on the table.
5. The entire amount in the pool is paid to the player making the highest bid.
6. All bigs are forfeit, and returned to the Bank.
7. Any deals and side-payments between players are allowed.
8. No such deal is enforceable.
9. Bids can only be made by individual players, and the pool can only be paid out to an individual player.
10. No bid may be withdrawn once made.
11. At the end of each round, once the payout has been made, play recommences at step 2.
Geoff Wong / geoff (at) shattered.org